Orlando Regional USBC Scholarship 2023
2023 Orlando Regional USBC Scholarship Application
ELIGIBILITY RULES Any graduating High School Senior student is eligible to make an application for this scholarship. Providing his or her amateur standing is maintained and the student meets the following requirements:
● Student files an application furnished by the Orlando Regional USBC, giving complete information as required thereon, before May 15th of their year of eligibility, with the Association Manager of the Orlando Regional USBC.
● Applicant must have unimpaired amateur standing in all athletics.
● College students may apply provided they applied in their senior year of High School and was not awarded a scholarship.
● Applicant must be a member of a certified bowling league within the jurisdiction of the Orlando Regional USBC and must be in good standing for the current season.
Patsy Wedding Annual Youth Scholarship 2023
2023 FSUSBC Patsy Wedding Scholarship Application
It is important that you get this information to your Coaches and/or any graduating High School Seniors, College Students, or Trade/Technical School Students that are in your bowling programs. We need everyone’s help in getting these applications out to the bowlers. Please be sure they use only this year’s current applications.
The Florida State USBC Association typically gives out eight to fifteen $1,000 scholarships each year.
How great it would be if a youth bowler from your association center could receive one of these scholarships? This can happen with your help. Please run as many copies as you need to get these very important papers into the hands of your dedicated coaches and youth directors. These individuals will see that their graduating seniors and college, trade, and technical school students will get and complete these applications. Ensure they mail the applications on time and you may have a winner at your center. As always, thank you for all you do for the youth bowlers in your center and the Florida State USBC Association, Inc.
ELIGIBILITY RULES (Revised 1/2021) Any graduating High School Senior Student, College Student, or Trade or Technical Student … providing his or her amateur standing is maintained, is eligible to make an application for this scholarship. Students may receive this scholarship two times ONLY. Students must meet the following requirements:
(a) USBC Youth bowlers have not reached their 18th birthday as of August 1st of the current season and have maintained compliance with USBC Youth Rule 400. File an application furnished by the FSUSBC Scholarship Committee. All information must be complete and returned to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the FSUSBC, Inc. by May 1, 2022. Also eligible are students over the age of 18 who are still USBC members, and under the age of 20 as of August 1st, of the current season. These students must have bowled a minimum of 2 full seasons as USBC Youth bowlers.
(b) Maintain a legal residence in the State of Florida;
(c) Is a participating member of a youth/collegiate (or adult) bowling league certified in the State of Florida by USBC and be in good standing for the current season.
(d) Include a copy of a current Official school transcript(s) with the application. (A report card is not an Official school transcript.)
J.J Garrett Memorial Scholarship Application 2023
2023 FSUSBC J.J. Garrett Memorial Scholarship App
This scholarship will be awarded to a USBC young sanctioned bowler who best exemplifies Mr. Garrett’s love of the game. J.J. believed that if bowling wasn’t promoted at a young age, the sport would die. We want to recognize a young bowler who not only participates but also helps to improve our sport. This bowler may be nominated by a coach, center owner/manager, parent, another bowler or by the bowler themselves. The bowler must be actively coaching, volunteering, and/or assisting in the promotion of bowling. They must be in good standing with their association and show sportsmanlike conduct at all times. This scholarship will be awarded based solely on the above criteria. Detailed volunteer information is crucial to this application. Nomination, reference, and/or personal letters will also be considered.
(Grades and bowling accomplishments are not part of this award). It is important that you get this information to your Coaches and/or your youth bowlers. We need everyone’s help in getting these applications out to the bowlers. Only current applications will be accepted.
The Florida State USBC will award 1 (one) $1000 J.J. Garrett Memorial Scholarship each season, this scholarship can only be won once per recipient. Please run as many copies as you need to get these very important papers into the hands of your dedicated coaches and youth directors. These individuals will see that their bowlers will get and complete these applications. Ensure they mail the applications on time and you may have a winner at your center. As always, thank you for all you do for the youth bowlers in your center and the Florida State USBC Association, Inc. FSUSBC J. J. GARRETT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION THE FSUSBC J.J. GARRETT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP will be awarded to a USBC Youth or Adult sanctioned bowler (under age 20 as of August 1, of the current bowling season) who best exemplifies Mr. Garrett’s love of the game. J.J. believed that if bowling wasn’t promoted at a young age, the sport would die. We want to recognize a young bowler who not only participates but also helps to improve our sport.
1. Be an active sanctioned FSUSBC Youth/Adult member. Have not reached their 20th birthday prior to August 1st of the current season and are in compliance with USBC Youth Rule 400 (for youth members)
3. Include a letter of nomination, a letter of reference, and a letter from each volunteer organization’s coordinator. (grades and bowling accomplishments are not part of this award)
4. Return all completed documents and all parts of application to Chairman of Scholarship Committee post-marked by May 1, 2022. PARTIAL OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Florida Pepsi Bowling Tournament
Five male and five female High School members are selected annually for the Dexter High School All-American Team. Each student-athlete selected to the team receives a $1,000 scholarship. Additionally, one of the ten athletes selected will receive the Bud Clapsaddle Award, being named the team captain. The recipient of the Bud Clappsaddle Team Captain Award will receive an additional $500.
Any USBC member that participates on a recognized interscholastic high school team (varsity or club classification) is eligible to apply.
As a high school bowler, your selection to the Dexter High School All-American Team is based on your bowling accomplishments, academic achievement, letters of recommendation, extra-curricular/community involvement.
Requirements for selection include:
- 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)
- A recommendation letter from a coach or athletic director
- At least one additional letter of recommendation.
- A resume outlining bowling accomplishments, academic achievements, and extracurricular/community involvement
- An essay containing at least 500 words, answering a provided question
- At least one photo (preferably a yearbook-style photo)
2023 Annual State Youth Scholarship Entry Form
Orlando Regional USBC Youth Scholarship is Funded by:
Share the Wealth and Raffles from Open and Women’s City tournament
and is presented to the student(s) who show:
- Exemplary service to our community
- High academic standards
- Active participation in leagues and tournaments
- Recommendations from coaches and mentors.
Christopher Falcon-Molina – Cypress Creek High school. He qualified to bowl in the Florida State High School tournament last November, 2022 and ranked 20th in the state. It meant a lot to represent his high school and district. He also qualified for 2023 Jr. Gold tournament which is being held in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is his second time qualifying for Jr. Gold which he will be competing against the best bowlers in the country. Chris plans on going to college and getting is B.S. in mechanical engineering. His goals after college is to pursue a job as a mechanical engineer. He would love to give back to the community by working in the industry and sharing his skills and knowledge to assist young kids that are interested in bowling and tennis.
Zachary Thomas Jimenez – Seminole State College. Bowled 3 years on the varsity boys bowling team at Lake Mary High School. Founder and president of IT Warriors, a club that met every week to talk about computer related ideas. Vice President of “Be the Change” a club he created for open forum power points and discussed world issues. In 2022-2023, he bowled the fall league and earned funding to go towards his education in scholarship money. Also, in 2021-2022, he earned some additional funding in scholarship money. Earning these two scholarships meant a lot to him. He is attending Seminole State College and getting an A.S. degree Information Systems Technology. Next, he would like to get a B.S. in the same field. His plans are to use those certifications to help build his knowledge in the IT world.
Julia Minotti – Bishop Moore Catholic High School. Captain of Radical Rollers team for 2 years at Oviedo Bowling Center. Captain of Bishop Moore girls’ varsity high school 2022-2023. She bowled on the varsity team for 4 years (singles state qualifier – 2022). Varsity dance team 4 years, (2 years National Champions); Bishop Moore Women’s Chorale and Concert and Concert Choir 3 years; Thespian Honor Society 1 year, Tri- M honor society 1 year. One of her accomplishments was qualifying for Florida High School State Championships and representing her high school. This made her feel proud in her ability to bowl and help gain more publicity for her team so that hopefully more students would join the team after she graduates. She was able to recruit 4 more bowlers in 2022 who are now league bowlers. Her plans for college are to study Special Education with minor in Psychology. Her future plans are to teach the next generation of special education students so they can still have a future knowing there are teachers out there that will help them succeed. She will be attending Xavier University in the fall and hope she spreads her love for life, the performing arts and of course, bowling.
Sophia Guiloff – Crooms Academy of Information Technology. Captain for Crooms AOIT girls’ team. Gsports , club founder and president, NHS officer, SECME member, Business Professionals of America member, Sanford Mayors Youth Council member, soccer goalie, bowling captain, Girl Scouts and Internship. Some of her accomplishments in bowling is 1st place in Mary’s Annual Youth Shootout. 9th place in a boardwalk tournament. She said it was the hardest tournament physically because they bowled for 2 days and they bowled about 22 games in the morning and in the afternoon. Her plans for college are Business/Law. She plans on attending Stetson University. Her goal in life is to become a lawyer and help those that need to be helped. Attending Stetson University will help her in becoming a lawyer and she hopes to gain government leadership are her overall goals in life.